Measurement Clarification

Before you try any of my recipes I feel I should clarify one thing. When it comes to measurements in tsp or tbsp I don't use an exact tsp or tbsp measurement. I use a literal silverware tablespoon full or literal silverware teaspoon full. What does this all mean? Each tablespoon or teaspoon is closer to double if you're measuring an exact tablespoon or teaspoon.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Cordially Creamy Crème Brûlée

It's one of those desserts that you don't get very often but if you are having one you want it done right. That can be easier said than done, rock hard custards, paper thin sugar layers, non-crunchy sugar layers, and watery custards abound. Well now you need not search for perfection when it's only as far away as your kitchen.

Yield: 2 3/4 Cup Custard Filling, or 5 Small Ramekins

  • 2 Cups Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 8 Egg Yolks
  • 1 Vanilla Bean
  • 1/2 Cup White Granulated Sugar
Additional Equipment:
  • Blow Torch

Slice the vanilla pod down the center through the outer layer of skin and spread open. Scrape the seeds out using your knife.

Place the seeds and vanilla pod in a pot containing the cream.

Bring the cream to a low boil whisking occasionally,then turn off the heat, cover and allow to sit for 10min. Then remove the lid and return to a low boil whisking occasionally.

While returning the cream to a boil, add the sugar to the egg yolks.

Whisk together.

Through a strainer, add the hot cream to the egg mixture and whisk constantly while adding.

The key is to ensure a LOW boil on the cream, too hot and you will end with large pieces of cooked egg. Strain the mixture to remove any small pieces of cooked egg that might have formed. Some is OK, but too much and you'll have to restart.

Fill your ramekins with a little over 1/2 Cup in each and place in a baking pan.

Fill the pan with boiling water about half way up the sides of the ramekins.

Place in the oven at 250F for 1hr. Check for doneness. When shaken the outer edge should be completely set and not jiggle while the center should jiggle with the consistency of jello. It may take 10-15min more to achieve this and usually the crème brûlées will not finish at the same time. Allow to cool to room temp, cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge overnight.

When ready to serve evenly sprinkle about 1tsp sugar over the top of the crème brûlée.

Now comes the fun part, using your blowtorch apply even heat over the surface of the crème brûlée. Continue until the sugar is evenly browned but not burnt.

Allow to cool for a few minutes before touching. You can serve right away, or chill for 20-30min in the fridge then serve, but who wants to wait?

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