Measurement Clarification

Before you try any of my recipes I feel I should clarify one thing. When it comes to measurements in tsp or tbsp I don't use an exact tsp or tbsp measurement. I use a literal silverware tablespoon full or literal silverware teaspoon full. What does this all mean? Each tablespoon or teaspoon is closer to double if you're measuring an exact tablespoon or teaspoon.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Seemingly Mundane Munchylicious Pizza

As I've mentioned before pizza tends to get a bad rap because there's so many places out there making awful pizza. What's even more awful is it's not cheap to eat this crap either. So stop being placated by mundane, complacent, listless fake cheese topped wafers. I give to you the common place pizza toppings you've grown to know and love with salami for a twist but now transformed into something truly amazing when prepared fresh. It will lift the woeful stagnant veil of complacency that has kept you warm these many years in one fell aroma filled whiff. On a last note though, I make all pizzas with a pizza stone. You can't match the results any other way, crunchy bottom crust and even cooking.

Yield: One ~15'' Pizza

  • 8-9 oz Tomato Sauce
  • 1/2 of Pizza Dough ~525g (Recipe Here)
  • 2 tbsp Corn Meal
  • 2 tbsp Honey
  • 1/2 tbsp Salt
  • 1/2 tbsp Italian Seasoning
  • 1/4 tbsp Basil
  • 1/4 tbsp Oregano
  • 1/4 tbsp Pepper
  • 2 Cloves Minced Garlic (Optional)
  • 1 lb Mozzarella Cheese
  • ~6 diced mushrooms
  • Salami
  • ~1/4 Sliced Onion

***Before you start anything: Turn your oven to 525F and put in the pizza stone. Allow it to sit at 525F for at least 30min. Should be ready by the time you finish everything else.***

Combine the tomato sauce, Italian seasoning, oregano, basil, pepper, salt and garlic (if desired, you know you want to).

Roll out the pizza dough to 15'' diameter on a floured surface.

Sprinkle the corn meal evenly over the dough and lightly press into dough.

Make sure your wooden paddle is lightly floured.

Transfer the dough corn meal side down to the paddle.

Roll up the edges to form the crust. You can apply light water to the edges to make it stick if necessary.

Evenly spread the sauce around the dough. Drizzle the honey over the sauce.

Throw on the cheese, you won't quite need the whole lb of cheese. Munching on the extra is acceptable.

Sprinkle on the onion.

Next the mushroom.

Then the best part...salami!!!

Take your pizza stone out of the oven and carefully transfer your pizza to the pizza stone

Bake at 525F for ~12min or until desired doneness. Salami isn't nearly as oily as pepperoni so if it sticks up from the pizza at all it will burn. Some of mine got a little burnt so I put new ones half way through (that's why the pizza looks a little funny with some cooked well and others lightly).

Remove and enjoy! Careful though, hogging the crushed peppers and Parmesan cheese will not guarantee the pizza is yours. It's so good that it doesn't need any of that cover up.

Here's another pizza perfect moment:

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